What does a health consultation consist of?

In the initial visit, the doctor will evaluate your condition and perform his examination.  He also will ask what health problems you have and what issues and concerns you want to work on.  He will review your previous medical records when available.  This way, we can see what you have and what can be done for it.

Normally the doctor performs a case history, physical examination and traditional Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis.  That way the doctor can determine if you are a candidate for chiropractic, acupuncture needles or Chinese herbs.  Some times the treatment is physical therapy, like electrical stimulation or exercise.  Often supplements or a diet change is recommended.

The doctor may also recommend additional testing such as blood work, saliva testing, x-rays or MRI’s.  A treatment is also included in the first visit, if other testing is not required and time allows.

Health consultations include a detailed case history, a review of dietary habits, previous injuries, surgeries and diagnosis’s, sleep, exercise and physical fitness levels and our office listening to your health concerns.